Tuesday, March 5, 2013

no way up

To leave, or not to leave, that is the question: Whether tis bolder in the mind to suffer the pains and sorrows of squandered fortune, or to take alms across a sea of bubbles and by disposing elude them? To sigh, to weep, no more; and by escape we may portend the rejections and thousand humiliations that futile applications dare: tis a consolation devoutly to be missed. To lie, to cheat; to steel a chance to dream, aye there's the rub: For in that life in exile what joys may come, as undiscovered country to those not born, whence no one may return until their day of jubilee. Thus social conscience indentures us all, and the firmly tendered yearend resolution is puzzled o'er by a veiled cast of doubt, when aspirations to glorious achievement, return as dust of diminished expectation, to vex and spurn their sole attraction. Be all my youthful dreams remembered.

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